martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

New Article in iPlayApps!!

Marcus (webmaster from , has alerted us of a new article about Crazy Goblins in his great web.

This is the direct link:

Thanks a lot Marcus!!!

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

New Article in TouchGold

I am glad to share with you that Cedric, webmaster of ,has posted a new article (in german) of Crazy Goblins: World War 2.

Thanks Cedric!!!

New GUI & AIM System

I am working in the new GUI for the game.In left top part we will have the player info and pause menu, and in the right hand the weapon inventory.

And i am improving the shoulder camera AIM system for have a better precision in the shoots. You can change to this view when you want.


CG:WW2 Blog !!

Welcome to the official blog for the game : Crazy Goblins: World War 2, for iPhone & iPod touch.

Here you can find everything refered to the game: screenshots, videos,development info,polls, etc...

Become a follower of the blog !!.

Thanks to everyone.
